Phishing Simulation

Cyber security is a critical aspect of our day-to-day lives, from protecting our data from security breaches to guarding our networks against attacks.

At CapNet, we can provide phishing simulation to businesses. This is because social engineering is becoming one of the most common attacks. So, we believe all businesses will benefit from this service.

We have developed our inhouse phishing simulation system whereby we create our templates and periodically send out targeted phishing emails to your employees. The aim is to test your employee’s responses and educate them when needed.

We also provide a report on user activity which can be used for further cybersecurity awareness and training. Phishing simulation is a proactive approach to security and helps to protect businesses against cybercrime.

Did you know that almost 90% of malware is sent by phishing attacks? Ensuring your staff know how to spot and report an attack is vital in mitigating a successful cyber-attack.

The phishing training course:

Our phishing training will aim to teach employees:

  • How a phishing attack works

  • What are the signs of a phishing attack

  • How to correctly report a phishing attack

  • What to do if you believe you have fallen victim to a phishing scam

Phishing emails are getting harder to spot/avoid:

We have noticed more and more people are falling for these vicious attacks. This is because cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated in the techniques they use.

Past phishing scams had many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors that made it obvious that it was a scam. However, criminals are being more careful to not make many of these mistakes.

But there are other ways you can spot a potential phishing scam. Our phishing training aims to help businesses by spotting other obvious signs.

To find out more about how our phishing training/simulation can help your business, please speak to one a member of our security team by calling on... or completing our form over on our contact page.

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Phishing Training